DCU professor leads anti-bullying campaign
Professor James O’Higgins Norman was appointed to chair a UNESCO initiative to provide practical solutions to stop bullying. Read more…
Professor James O’Higgins Norman was appointed to chair a UNESCO initiative to provide practical solutions to stop bullying. Read more…
[dropcap]A [/dropcap]DCU Professor’s research on the importance of emotion in education for preventing bullying and its long-term mental health impacts, was cited in a recent set of top-level European reports.
A recent DCU study carried out by the National Anti-Bullying Research and Resource Centre (ABC) found that one in two primary school principals in Ireland have dealt with homophobic bullying.
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The programme, which was developed over the last two years, takes the form of four lessons based in the 5th and 6th class Social, Personal and Health Education (SPHE) curriculum. Research on the programme was led by a team from St. Patrick’s College, DCU comprising of Dr. Bernie Collins, Dr. Seline Keating and Prof. Mark Morgan. Read more…
DCU has received seven bullying and harassment complaints involving staff members over the past five years. Read more…
[dropcap]It[/dropcap] is estimated that 30 percent of young people in Ireland will experience bullying in their lives, which unfortunately often continues into the workplace as an adult.
Irish Universities paid out more than than €3.3 million in legal fees involving staff members between 2010 and 2015. Read more…
College students experiencing bullying of any form are encouraged to approach their course co-ordinator and surround themselves with good people. Read more…