DCU News

IMF chief Christine Lagarde visits DCU

June 29, 2018

Christine Lagarde, chief of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), visited DCU and spoke about inclusion, education and innovation last Tuesday.

DCU News

DCU to host cultural festival Anam

April 4, 2018

DCU is collaborating with RTÉ radio programme South Wind Blows to host Anam, a two-day festival dedicated to music, poetry, film and drama. The event, which takes place on the 11th and 12th of April Read more…

DCU News

DCU to become Europe’s first Autism-friendly campus

January 23, 2016

Dublin City University is to become the first autism-friendly campus both in Ireland and Europe, through a new initiative with AsIAm.ie, the Autism support and advocacy service, and Specialisterne Ireland, an agency that offers recruitment and support for people with autism. Read more…