
Whack the snack attack

April 20, 2016

  Exam time is upon us, a time when we all pig out on snacks and unhealthy meals. This is the exact opposite of what our bodies require at this time of year. The brain Read more…


A4 waist: viral challenges are far from over

April 6, 2016

For those who don’t recall, neknomination was an online drinking game that saw people “necking” an alcoholic drink and “nominating” their friends to do the same thing. This was recorded and the videos were uploaded to Facebook. Read more…


Festive treats to bake for the family

December 2, 2015

Christmas is a time to spend with the family, decorating the house, dancing to Christmas songs and munching on the turkey, ham and selection box chocolates. For me, it i also a great time to catch Read more…