No Keys No Degree: Nationwide shortage in student accommodation
A major shortage in student accommodation is quickly turning into a nationwide crisis, as many students have still yet to find a place to stay near their desired college. Read more…
A major shortage in student accommodation is quickly turning into a nationwide crisis, as many students have still yet to find a place to stay near their desired college. Read more…
[dropcap]S[/dropcap]tudents in shared rooms, living in LIV Accommodation complex in Dublin could face price increases between 11 per cent to 14 per cent, due to an administrative error.
[dropcap]A [/dropcap]housing charity is moving elderly residents out of a housing complex deemed not fit for purpose and moving 18 students in, charging them over three times the rent the previous residents were paying.
[dropcap]NUI[/dropcap] Galway Students’ Union has filed a case against the student accommodation provider, Cúirt na Coiribe, through the Residential Tenancies Board.
[dropcap]A[/dropcap] Bill has been introduced that will give students living in student accommodation the full protection of the Residential Tenancies Act.
DCUSU VP for welfare and equality sat down with The College View and spoke to us about his achievements and difficulties over the last year in the Students’ Union and spoke also about Shanowen Shakedown. Read more…
Nothing is safe unless you have money to burn at this stage. Read more…
DCU students protested rental increases of over 20 per cent in purpose-built student accommodation around the Glasnevin area. Shanowen Square increased their prices by 27 per cent for the 2018/2019 academic year while Shanowen Halls Read more…
[dropcap]The [/dropcap]annual rent for Shanowen Square has increased by 27 per cent from last year.
This applies to the accommodation in the DCU St. Patrick’s campus in particular. The annual rent for a bedroom on St Patrick’s College campus is €5,238 per year, which is paid in two installments. However many students have claimed that despite the rise in price of accommodation there is no improvements in living conditions in the facility.
[dropcap]P[/dropcap]ostgraduate students are unhappy with the increase in rent and change in lease length that occurred over the summer, according to Student’s Union postgraduate officer, Allan Stevenson.
[dropcap]T[/dropcap]he cost of renting nationally is 11.8 percent higher than this time last year, and rents in Dublin have risen an average of 12.3 percent annually according to a report released by Daft.ie. This is the Read more…
[dropcap]H[/dropcap]elping with the vast numbers of students seeking accommodation has been his “most stressful time by far” according to New VP for Welfare and Equality Podge Henry.
[dropcap]Students[/dropcap] lining the pathways, queues for the delicatessen in Spar and the endless cups of caffeine. The smell of new books, the vibrancy of new stationary, the heavy backpacks slumped on the shoulders of hungover Read more…
FOR There are plenty of reasons why I can say that living digs this year was a great experience for me and would be for anyone. I will be the first to admit that Read more…
No accommodation leading to long commutes Read more…
DCU students share stories of unreliable landlords during the accommodation crisis Read more…
More and more students this year are seeking financial assistance following increased rent and higher college fees. Read more…
Some houses renting through the UCC Accommodation scheme were found to be in breach of the law after advertising exclusively for female tenants Read more…
The planned complex hopes to cater for 400 students. Read more…
Higher numbers of students are choosing to live in UCC’s ‘booze-free’ accommodation Read more…