15 years, nine months, and 25 days
[dropcap]A[/dropcap] 15-year-old girl gives birth, alone, beside a holy statue in a church yard.
[dropcap]A[/dropcap] 15-year-old girl gives birth, alone, beside a holy statue in a church yard.
Abortion should never be considered a viable option in any circumstance, even if the cause of an unplanned pregnancy is rape, according to the chairperson of the Pro-Life Campaign, Cora Sherlock. Read more…
Sean Cassidy responds to Taoiseach Enda Kenny’s recent comments that he will not commit to repealing the 8th amendment if Fine Gael return to government. Read more…
Over 50% of students voted for DCU to take a pro-choice stance on the issue of abortion. 719 of the 1,428 voters in last week’s referendum opted for a full pro-choice stance;where it will be Read more…
The Union of Students in Ireland will be campaigning on the upcoming reproductive rights referendum in DCU. USI are able to campaign on campus as student Sean Rooney registered with DCU returning officer Aideen Holden on their Read more…
A number of DCU students believe that the Students’ Union should have no position on the issue of abortion in Ireland. As a result a no-stance option will be included on the ballot paper for Read more…
DCU’s Class Rep Council (CRC) will this evening discuss a referendum to decide the Students’ Union’s stance on the X-Case, which will take place in semester 2. Council voted to hold a referendum in semester Read more…