SU '13

DCUSU13 Opinion Poll results

April 3, 2013

With just one more day to go until your new Students’ Union is announced, The College View and DCUfm found out how you are going to vote today and tomorrow. Will you be voting in the elections? Read more…

SU '13

SU elections: Voting day in pictures

April 3, 2013

Polling stations are now open and candidates are still out around campus trying to get your votes. Voting will reopen tomorrow from 10am to 5pm. Photo Credit: Rachel McLaughlin

SU '13

What you are voting for

April 3, 2013

With election time closing in – so close it’s actually today – it’s voting time. Turnout in DCU has traditionally been low, which makes it all the more important to get your vote in today. Read more…

SU '13

Laura Rice on her plans for next year

April 3, 2013

Laura is a third year Communications student and is running for Vice President for Welfare. If elected, Laura wants to deal with the “nitty gritty” topics of sexual awareness during SHAG week. There are certain Read more…