DCU News

Online referendum is live

February 16, 2016

DCU SU has asked students to vote yes in a constitutional referendum, with voting open from today until 5pm Thursday evening. A ‘yes’ vote will see the DCU constitution amended in five specific areas and Read more…

National News

Student groups welcome Friday election date

February 10, 2016

Enda Kenny’s decision to host a Friday general election was welcomed by the National Youth Council of Ireland (NYCI) and Union of Students’ following their lobbying.
The council stressed the importance of a Friday or weekend election, in order to allow students to return home to vote. Read more…

National News

USI summit draws in over 800 students

February 10, 2016

An 800-strong crowd of students assembled in Dublin Castle last Thursday for the third annual Union of Students’ Ireland (USI) Student Summit promoting entrepreneurship, innovation and recruitment. Read more…

National News

1 in 12 female students fall victim to rape

February 10, 2016

The Union of Students Ireland (USI) launched their ‘Say Something’ card, following research that shows that one in 12 female students are victims of rape or attempted rape. Lisa O’Donnell discusses the initiative with USI President, Kevin Donoghue. Read more…

DCU News

DCU to become Europe’s first Autism-friendly campus

January 23, 2016

Dublin City University is to become the first autism-friendly campus both in Ireland and Europe, through a new initiative with AsIAm.ie, the Autism support and advocacy service, and Specialisterne Ireland, an agency that offers recruitment and support for people with autism. Read more…

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DCU News

DCU To Help Develop Anti-Cancer Vaccine

December 2, 2015

DCU are collaborating with an American biotechnology company to develop cancer vaccinations and immunotherapies. The agreement between DCU and Vaccinogen was signed last week and the company will be setting up a research lab on DCU’s campus. Read more…