The hidden social media epidemic destroying the reputations of young women
This under researched phenomenon harms countless young women across the world. Read more…
This under researched phenomenon harms countless young women across the world. Read more…
One year on from the murder of Sarah Everard and there are increased calls to tackle men’s violence against women. Read more…
“We wanted to take a stand against what’s happening because it’s gotten to a level where women are safe nowhere from gender based violence,” Maughan explained a fortnight after the flashing. Read more…
I feel like there’s a disconnect between people who haven’t come through the services and people like me who use them”. Sarah Behan is a final year English and Philosophy student in St Pats. Her Read more…
The overarching theme to Thomas O’Dowd’s campaign is bringing back a sense of community to DCU. O’Dowd, who normally just goes by his initials – TOD, is the first Student Union Presidential candidate to run Read more…
Glasnevin native Burke hopes to bring a better sense of belonging to DCU students and “greater awareness of the amazing things the SU does behind the scenes.” Ronan Burke is a class rep for his Read more…
If he’s elected, Nathan Murphy hopes to be an “open mind that will listen to everyone’s issues and help as many people as possible.” Read more…
“I think there’s a bit of a stigma behind it… it’s like ‘What are you doing?! Wake up!” Read more…
This Student Union election season is turning out to be quite the interesting one, with four of the five full-time positions seeing only one candidate running for the role. The only exception is VP for Read more…
Out of the five full-time positions, VP for Wellbeing is the only contest that actually has some proper competition. With four candidates for the job, it will be a more difficult choice for the student Read more…
“The plane was the normal standard of not clean. Bathrooms as per usual weren’t clean.” Read more…
“I received top marks in the Christmas exams and having to drop out due to something as arbitrary as money infuriates me.” Read more…
This month marks a year since students across Ireland began online learning. We all thought we were getting two weeks off college; little did we realise that if we fast forward to 2021, we would still be in the same situation. Read more…
“The Principles and purpose of journalism are defined by something more basic: The functions news plays in the lives of people”, written by American journalists Bill Kovach and Tom Rosenstiel in The Elements of journalism. Read more…
Students across the country have had to adapt to learning online this year due to COVID 19. Read more…
[dropcap]F[/dropcap]ormer DCU student, Rónán Ó Dálaigh developed the idea for the company Thriftify when he found a book he needed for college in a charity shop for €1.
The rise of the Black Lives Matter movement during the summer of 2020, has shown the world the reality of racism and police brutality towards people of colour, especially in countries that claim they hold ’equality’. Read more…
Stay indoors. Completely avoid contact with other people. Use a separate toilet to people in your household.
“She was wearing a thong with a lace front.” Throughout history, choice of clothing has been wrongfully mistaken for consent. Throughout history, women have been told what they can and cannot wear. Young girls become Read more…
[dropcap]T[/dropcap]he semester one exam period in DCU is coming up. The two week period starts on the January 7th and finishes on the 19th, where over 16,000 students will sit exams.
[dropcap]T[/dropcap]he effects of climate change can be clearly seen, the most evident effect can be seen in the increased temperature. Temperatures have risen by 0.7oC between 1890-2008 and most significantly by 0.4oC between 1980-2008.
In order to combat this issue, a ‘Gender Action Plan’ for Higher Level Education institutes in Ireland has been launched by the government. Read more…
[dropcap]A[/dropcap]rtificial intelligence (AI) is a phrase that has been around over 50 years but only now is it taking precedence all over the world.
[dropcap]O[/dropcap]n October 26th, Irish citizens voted to remove blasphemy from article 40 of the Constitution. This means that the government will revoke the law which made it illegal to say something that is offensive to Read more…
There is a stark difference between her experience and her daughter’s Read more…