
Paedophile hunters; unprofessionals or unsung heroes?

February 14, 2018

For as long as the internet and chat rooms have existed, so have predators who have utilised it to get access to children and while the concept of vigilante predator hunters seem to be a fairly new phenomenon it can be traced back from as far as the early 2000’s. Read more…


The danger of normality

February 7, 2018

It’s no secret that young people are incredibly impressionable, especially young girls. With the growing dominance of social media in young people’s lives, influencers need to recognise this as they are a big part of young people’s lives. These photoshopped images have a lasting impression on young people, they see these images and perceive them as normal.

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The road to eradication of drink driving

December 6, 2017

The RSA and An Garda Síochána launched their annual Christmas and New Year’s Road Safety campaign last week in an effort to combat the amount of traffic accidents that are alcohol related at Christmas. However, they also said that alcohol is a contributory factor in 38% of fatal crashes in the lead up to Christmas. Read more…


Keep your tweets to yourself

November 29, 2017

People are powerful behind screens and sympathy is non-existent. Political leaders and influencers wouldn’t make similar statements if the social media age was non-existent so it shouldn’t be so common for them to be made today so casually. Read more…


Leo’s homelessness comments show a lack of sympathy

November 29, 2017

Varadkar’s comments like Gleeson’s shows his misunderstanding of the issue, his disinterest in the problem, his aloofness to lower class issues. His overall classism and elitism, as members of the Simon community and rival politicians have already pointed out. Read more…


Does privilege triumph talent?

November 29, 2017

Nepotism is a very, very real concept and it’s incredibly frightening. For creatives, it’s a death wish- it prioritises potential contacts and attention over people who really love their job and have a true talent. Read more…


Should zero-hour contracts be abolished?

November 22, 2017

The problem with these contracts is security or lack of it which is fair. It is hard to expect people to function under these conditions. But does an all-out ban mean nothing but positives for employees around the country. It begs the question will employers now offer sable contracts or just let more staff go and take on 2 permanent part time staff in the future. Read more…


The debacle of power

November 15, 2017

Power is capable of creating lunacy. Our own history echoes this. Ireland’s rocky relationship with the church is a vocal point of people of power taking advantage of those they believe they have control over. The similarities are eerie. Read more…


RTE’s newest recruits

November 15, 2017

Women shouldn’t have to beg for jobs because ‘women can do it too’, they should just be given it on merit, not because they are a woman. Read more…


Two Sides of Cultural Appropriation

November 1, 2017

David Kelly: This is nonsense [dropcap]N[/dropcap]o more Halloween, kids. Nowadays, people aren’t interested in what to dress up as, but what not to dress up as. A slew of articles have been released that explain Read more…


Is Ireland facing a secular future?

October 25, 2017

With the numbers of Catholics on the decline it seems Ireland is on the way to facing a secular future, the percentage who identified as Catholic on the census falling from 84.2 percent in 2011 to 78.3 percent in 2016. There has also been a corresponding rise in the number of those with no religion, growing by 73.6 percent. Those with no religion now accounting for 10 percent of the population compared to 6% five years ago.

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Weinstein is the tip of the iceberg

October 25, 2017

The real question is, will this merely be a case of calling out one person who is only at the top of a very tall ladder and resorting to turning a blind eye once again to the issue within the industry, as with the cases of Jimmy Saville and Bill Crosby. Read more…


Mullen shows hypocrisy of anti-choice rhetoric.

October 25, 2017

Just look at accusations of bullying being levelled at the democratic campaign to impeach the UCD student’s union President, or unsubstantiated claims that pro-life events were cancelled by hotels after threats by pro-choice campaigners. Read more…


The crisis in student accommodation continues

October 18, 2017

This applies to the accommodation in the DCU St. Patrick’s campus in particular. The annual rent for a bedroom on St Patrick’s College campus is €5,238 per year, which is paid in two installments. However many students have claimed that despite the rise in price of accommodation there is no improvements in living conditions in the facility.

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