
Need to quicken pace for Seanad reform

October 23, 2013

Head of the School of Law & Government and Democracy Matters member, Professor Gary Murphy welcomes the legislation to allow all graduates to vote in the Seanad but argues that it doesn’t go far enough. Read more…

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Under pressure lecturers?

October 9, 2013

Despite recent articles by lecturers painting the picture of an unhappy workforce, lecturer Greg Foley argues most lecturers get on with it and love their jobs. Read more…

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Toxic Tuesday too toxic

October 9, 2013

Many still call for the return of the SU-run student nightclub night, Toxic Tuesday, but did the night live up to it’s name? Sean Cassidy argues it was time to call it a day. Read more…

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DCU News

DCU used for Dublin-based escorts

December 12, 2012

It has emerged that Ireland’s biggest escort agency is using the DCU brand as a marketing strategy. Students around the country who are struggling financially are turning to escort agencies to pay their way through Read more…