Class Rep Council have voted to hold a referendum on re-affiliating with the Union of Students in Ireland (USI).
The referendum will be held in conjunction with the Reproductive Rights referendum on February 26th and 27th.
DCU previously held a referendum on USI membership in 2010, and although only 10% of students cast their ballot, a large majority voting against joining the student representative body.
Class representatives voted in favour of the motion, which was proposed by Sean Rooney. Rooney put it to students: “Council notes that it has been over two years since our last referendum on re-affilation to the national students’ union, USI. Council notes that in this time the DCU student body has significantly changed.
“Council further notes that in this time major changes have occurred in the higher education system and in the national union.
“Council therefore believes it is again time to re-examine our relationship with the national students’ union.
“Council therefore mandates that a referendum be held at the same time as the Reproductive Rights Referendum on re-affilation to the USI.
“Council mandates that students should be informed that if membership to the Union of Students in Ireland is ratified a charge of €5-€7 per full-time students and €2.50-€3 per part-time student will be added to Student Contribution to cover the cost of membership.”
Rooney also proposed the wording on the ballot paper should read: “Do you wish to re-affiliate to the Union of Students in Ireland?” with students choosing between ‘yes’ and ‘no’.
Aoife Mullen
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