DCU remember “much loved” Conor

Emily Sheahan

DCU have extended its sympathies to the family and friends of Conor Morgan who died last Sunday while on holiday in Cyprus.

“He will be greatly missed and well-remembered by all who encountered him at DCU,” said the university in a statement, today.

The “much loved” second year Business Studies student is thought to have fallen to his death from a balcony shortly after arriving in Cyprus with friends.

The 19 year old played for the Dundalk Gaels and was a “key member of the DCU Freshers B Gaelic Football team that won the All Ireland in 2017.”

The university has said it has “endeavoured to do all that it can to provide support to Conor’s family and friends at this tragic time”.

DCU offers its student support team to “assist Conor’s classmates and friends during this very difficult and sad time”. The Students’ Union has also offered their support to all students. 

Dundalk Gaels have opened their clubrooms to “allow people to gather together to share their grief and remember Conor and keep the Morgan’s in our thoughts and prayers”.


Emily Sheahan

Image Credit: Dundalk Gaels