DCU tops the table in female academia

Callum Lavery

DCU is the leading university in Ireland for female academia, according to figures released in a report by the Higher Education Authority (HEA).

Currently 56 per cent of academic staff in DCU are female, two per cent higher than the national average. DCU are also leading the tables in the number of female lecturers in the country with 54 per cent of lecturers at the college being women as the national average remains at 50 per cent.

Despite a relatively close ratio of female to male academics and lecturers in the country, roles such as professors, associate professors, and senior lecturers in all seven universities were all currently occupied by more men than women.

University College Limerick are ahead in the number of female professors and senior lecturers at 31 and 41 per cent respectively. Trinity College Dublin tops the tables for female associate professors at 42 per cent.

Student Union Vice President for Welfare and Equality Podge Henry said that he felt DCU are doing a great job of promoting female academia.

“We pride ourselves on our equal community in DCU. We have recognised females further afield who have proven that greatness does not come with your gender but rather your talent, determination, and ability as a person,” said Henry.

“I would hope that the same attitude is adopted internally as it rightly should be. I myself, have had some amazing lectures in my time as a communications student and two of my best modules were presented by women and one could only hope that these lectures are recognised by the University,” he added.

This news comes a week after NUI Galway published a report on Equality and Diversity which found that 58 per cent of the 33 academics promoted to senior lecturer positions were women, making 40 per cent of its senior lecturers’ female, four per cent above the national average.

NUIG had been criticised in the past for gender inequality after several female staff went to court against the college for gender discrimination.

Chairperson of DCU Feminism Society Isha McDonnell praised DCU for their efforts.

“I think DCU are doing as good a job at addressing gender inequality for the staff with things like the Athena SWAN initiative and Women in Leadership programmes, especially considering they’ve never had a serious claim of discrimination put against them in the way NUIG have, to my knowledge,” said McDonnell.

Callum Lavery

Image Credit: NUIG