Tinder: Tried and Tested


Tinder – most of us have gone there at least once. Some like it, some don’t, and to hear about disappointments and failed dates isn’t rare. The question is, are we using it right?

Going into the summer of 2017, Tinder is your ultimate wingman, at least if you’re not looking to settle down with a ring, a house and a dog.

Tinder is the speed dating of 2017 – speeding up the dating process and bringing you right into the fifth date. It’s easy, it’s fast and the options are endless. No one’s feelings need to get hurt, and the chances to score are getting higher and higher the better you are at communicating.

No matter who you are, this app is the ultimate go-to if you’re feeling lazy, if you have a particular taste or certain preferences. It also works if you simply have a dry month ahead of you and would prefer to skip the bar hopping just to find someone to exchange saliva with.

Many things have been said about Tinder, and often they’re not great. You can say what you want about the app, but it serves purposes that real life dating simply does not.

Whether you’re looking for a romantic dinner or a proper shag, this is the place to be if you want it quick. Tinder is no longer just a dating app, it’s a fast track hooking-up system – and it works (almost) every time.

Because in the end, don’t we all just want to get laid?


Elsa Anderling

Image Credit: Mark Carroll