RAG Soc and E-soc get DCU to ‘say hello’

DCU Raise and Give Society (RAG Soc) and the Enterprise Society (E-Soc) joined forces yes- terday to ‘say hello’ to everyone on campus. ‘DCU Says Hello’ was run by the two societies as part of Mental Health Week.

The aim of the campaign was to urge students to say hello to each other. It was based upon a campaign, which ran in August throughout Dublin City, ‘Dublin says hello’. The idea is that you simply said ‘Hello’ to a stranger, possibly making a huge difference in their day.

As part of the event, DCU and E-Soc had a central area called the ‘Hello Zone’ set up in the Old Bar in The Hub. Students could go there to have a chat and enjoy some of the snacks available. Those who took part were given ‘I said hello’ stickers to wear around campus. There was also a number of ‘Secret Hello-ers’ walking around campus. People who greeted them were awarded with prizes.

This small but effective cam- paign proved very popular across the city when it ran in August, and was just as popular across campus yesterday.

Jane French of E-Soc told The College View; “We feel that something as simple as saying ‘hello’ can make such a differ- ence to someone’s day.”

Hannah Dobson of RAG Soc said that it “was all about spreading a positive friendly atmosphere around campus”.

‘DCU says Hello’ is just one of the many events that will be held on campus this year to raise awareness for mental health. The Students’ Union has designated ‘Headstrong’, the national centre for young mental health, as their flagship charity for the year.

Emma Jane Hade

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