Arts Editorial #1

Hi pals!
I’m Stephen Keegan and I’m your Arts Editor for the year. I’m coming off the back of a great year as deputy and I’m looking forward to working towards making this a dream platform for young Arts journalists to explore their ideas, develop contacts and grow as writers.

Personally I’m a music specialist and I have a passion for the Irish music scene and I love to dedicate to the best new Irish talent the kind of time and attention they deserve. Whatever your interest in the arts is, whatever you feel deserves attention – TV, film, visual arts, literature, poetry, theatre – we’re always looking for new contributors, no matter what you’re studying or what experience level you’re at. Don’t be afraid to send pitches anytime to

In this issue we’ve got a recap of two of the biggest events of the summer – Longitude and Electric Picnic, a look at the reasons behind South Park’s longevity and an interview with Irish-Canadian breakout stars ROMES, and we’ll have more stories online too.

Stay golden,

Hey everyone,
My name is Emer Handly, I’m 19 and I’m from Firhouse. I’m currently in my second year of Journalism in DCU. I’ve been given the amazing opportunity to be the Deputy Arts Editor of The College View this year.
I love everything about the Arts. From music, to books, to film, there’s nothing that doesn’t spark my interest! I spend most of my time going to gigs, in random book shops or taking artsy pics for my insta (yeah I know, typical).
I really look forward to improving The Suss this year. It has been a great supplement in the past but we want it to be even better! I’m hoping to get a lot more people writing for this section so we can cover a broader range of topics and produce top notch work.
If anyone would like to get involved please contact myself or Stephen. We would love more like-minded artsy people to join us!

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