How to make the most out of university

Walking onto campus for your first year at DCU, you might feel nervous, excited and unsure of what to expect. With so many opportunities at your fingertips, it can be overwhelming figuring out how to make the most of your three or four years here. Throwing yourself into college life means getting involved in all areas of the college experience, if you do this you’ll be sure to make amazing memories and great friends you’ll have for life.


“Get involved with clubs and societies” is something you’ll hear a lot over the first few weeks, don’t let this fall on deaf ears. Chairperson of MPS (Media Production Society), Sarah Mc Laughlin explained how society life is one of the highlights of her time in DCU. “I, without a doubt, can say that being part of a society is the best thing that has happened to me in DCU”, she said, “the friends I have met, the good we have done for others and the opportunities I have been granted with are more that I could ever wish. It can be intimidating at first to put yourself out there and join a society but it will be the best decision you will ever make, I promise you that.”
Hopefully you attended Clubs and Socs day and a few societies have caught your eye. If not though, don’t worry, you can sign up to any club or society throughout the year in the Students’ Union for €4.


Volunteering is another way to really get involved with college life. It will help you meet more people, improve your CV and possibly even secure future employment. Jamie Farrell is a final year law student and is the coordinator of volunteers for the Access Service. He believes the experience of volunteering in college is a unique one and one all students should experience. “The opportunities I got from volunteering are not only some of the most fun experiences I’ve had, but also the most rewarding too,” he explained.


There are many ways to get involved with volunteering. If you want to get involved there are many societies which can help you or the Volunteer Fair in DCU which takes place during first semester every year.


It is important to note, although getting involved in the social side of college is important and a huge part of the experience, it is important to remember your academics. Although missing a lecture or two won’t hurt, regularly skipping lectures is something you will quickly regret when exam and assignment season comes round. So be social, meet new people, experience all there is to offer and learn a whole lot along the way.

Hannah Kelly

Photo Credit: Zainab Boladale



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