President: Ivan Hynes on CRC, the LGBT Community and assistance for students with learning difficulties

Hynes is currently a chemistry student in his final year at DCU. Hynes spoke at length how he has met with a number of student’s from both the Glasnevin campus and the Drumcondra campus and how a main concern of St. Pat’s students was what would happen to their Student Union with the amalgamation between both campuses?

Hynes said that, “It’s important that students are represented adequately across all campuses, some of the St. Pat’s student’s I’ve spoken to are concerned about the amalgamation; But, I want to make sure that all sabbaticals will float between both campuses and all students will be familiar with their Student’s Union.”

Speaking on dealing with Students who have learning difficulties or disablities, Hynes wants to inform those who may have a learning disability that they be made aware of all of the help that is currently available to them through the Student’s Union.

“I want anyone who may have a condition, like dyslexia, to be aware that they can receive exam support such as extra time, their own designated reader, etc. so that college runs as smoothly as possible for them and that they know that help and assistance is there for them.

When speaking about the Students for Sensible Drug Policy, Hynes declined to comment on how he would be voting in the upcoming referendum because he wasn’t sure which way he wanted to vote as of yet.

“It’s important that the students are well informed, but I actually haven’t decided how I’m going to vote in the referendum yet myself”.


Hynes also spoke about his involvement with the LGBT community and how he thinks that the introduction of proposed gender neutral toilets in the new hub, that is currently under constructions, is a very achievable goal.

“LGBT rights are important, I’m a member of the LGBT community myself… with the gender neutral toilets in the new hub, I will be lobbying for that, I think that it’s definitely very feasible”

Continuing in the same vein, Hynes described how activism is very important to student’s achieving societal goals such as the marriage referendum last year.

“Activism in itself is very important…it’s important that student’s use their voices and make sure that they are heard.”

Hynes described how the potential of the CRC is not currently being used fully be all class reps. He also mentioned that CRC currently has a few flaws such as long meetings but will look to tackle this if elected.

“CRC, it’s defintley an important tool and clas reps are the pennicale of our union and I feel that class reps don’t realise just how powerful it is. However, there are some flaws with CRC as our meetings go on quite long it can be hard to hold class rep’s and everyone else’s attention for long periods of time.”

Hynes went on to describe how he has achieved a number of the goals that he had set himself and more in his previous role of Science and Health Rep and promises to continue to do so if he is elected.

“I’m passionate about DCU, I have achieved the goals I set for myself and some goals that I thought that I would never achieve…and I believe I’m the best candidate for the job.”

Paul Dwyer

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