Sexual Healing: STI Clinics Booked Up

Last week, the Student’s Union unveiled this year’s SHAG (Sexual Health Awareness and Guidance) Week.

A free STI check on campus was provided to students by the SU. This service was so in-demand that it became fully booked-up. “I think the overwhelming response shows us that students are starting to realise that getting tested regularly is vital,” said Welfare Officer, Domhnaill Harkin. “It shows our students are sexually active and realise looking after your sexual health is very important,” he continued.

This comes after DCU was found to be Ireland’s worst university for safe sex last year in a survey by

When asked what he intends to do to improve this, Harkin replied “It is a shame to see that we are held in that bracket. All I can say is this year I hope we can change that. I hope more students will come to me looking for contraception. We have it ready to give students. All they need to do is come up to my office.”

A raft of events took place over the week, run by both the SU and societies.

On Monday, students shared their sexual stories on MPS’s ‘shag pad’. ‘Dr Sex’ – Doctor of sexual health promotion, Siobhan Higgins – performed a workshop later in the day.

Tuesday saw a ‘Traffic Light’ themed Shite Night in the NuBar. Students painted their face corresponding with their relationship status; Green for ‘Single’, Red for ‘Unavailable’ and Orange for ‘Not Sure’.

An act billed ‘The world’s only sex magician’ performed in the Old Bar on Wednesday. This event got people talking, with one spectator saying “It was outrageous, I’m glad pseudonyms were used”.

The week came to a close with ‘The Full Monty’ by DCU’s Dance Society on Thursday night.

Ryan McBride

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