Esoc tops Clubs and Socs with 1138 signing up

DCU’s Enterprise Society is set to become the largest club or society in DCU following a huge turn out yet again this year at registration days held from the 1st to the 3rd of this month.

Although numbers will increase during the year, Esoc currently had a massive 1,138 students signed up for the society for the year.

The registration and training week took place throughout campus and students were very impressed by what ESOC had to offer, including a “Dragon’s Den” style competition, with a €3,000 prize.

All clubs and societies displayed what they had to offer during the two days and students showed up in huge numbers to register for their chosen societies.
There was a vast amount to choose from, ranging from accounting and finance, dance, Chinese and a new society for all the tea lovers out there. Stands were displayed in the Hub and the Venue, offering fun activities and freebies in exchange for the €4 sign up fee.

The DCU Saint Vincent De Paul society were also very pleased with the results from this year’s registration days. Speaking to The College View, Co-Chairperson Aisling Kett said: “270 members joined this year compared to 140 members last year…a lot of people joined the society as they had previously volunteered with SVP at home, usually through their school”.

Global Brigades, a non-governmental organisation that focuses on bringing students together to achieve positive social change also has a society based in DCU. A representative told us: “This is our second year in DCU, and we wanted to expand as much as we could. Last year we managed to get around 70 members, but this year we exceeded our expectations as we doubled our membership to approximately 140 members”.

The week also provided important training for those in positions of management within the clubs and societies. Activities involved comprehensive courses for treasurers, chairpersons and secretaries as well as intensive marketing, communications and event management workshops.

All training facilities provided were organised by DCU’s Clubs and Societies Office. Following on from the few days, assistant Elaine Solan described it as “a huge success”.

She stressed the importance of the registration days for new first year students. “It’s very important for first year students starting at DCU, as always the clubs and socs were very busy registering a huge amount of first years, it’s a great way for them to become more familiar with the college and make friends.”

The final registration figures are expected to be released at the end of the month as a new system was put in place where the individual clubs and societies rather than the office counted and registered the numbers. The office said they were very happy with how the new system was put forward saying it “worked very well

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