Clever contouring

This year, contouring seems to be where it’s at makeup-wise and if you’re anything like I am, you’ll know it’s not exactly a move for the fainthearted. Get it right and you’ll have yourself looking like the next Kardashian but get it wrong and you’ll look like something out of those Jersey Shore re-runs. Intrigued by the hype, I managed to pick up the Seventeen “define and conquer contour kit” for just under €8 in Boots.

This kit fits right into your palm and is divided into two sections, the highlighter and the bronzer. Simple yet clever, one of the best things about this kit is the application instructions that come inside. Complete with a step by step guide and a diagram detailing exactly what goes where, it is virtually impossible to go wrong. At only €8 a pop, why not give it a try? Once you start contouring you’ll never go back and you’ll wonder why you waited so long to start in the first place. So go on girls and embrace those new chiseled cheekbones.

Aoife Marnell

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