
It’s a cold November night and the winds are howling viciously around your shoebox of a bedroom. You’re missing home and you’d kill for some of Domino’s scrumptiously delicious warm cookies. But what’s that you cry? I’m a student, you say? It’s become your war cry whenever it’s suggested you spend anything over a fiver on a decent meal. What if I were to tell you that you could recreate that steamy chocolate dessert at home for what works out to be a fraction of the price? Here it comes, the solution to most of life’s problems; the Cookie-In-A-Mug.

For this you’re going to want to get yourself:
a tablespoon of margarine (not butter – trust me on this),
two tablespoons of granulated sugar,
three drops of vanilla essence (only got vanilla extract? Be grand sure.),
an egg,
four tablespoons of flour
some chocolate chips (or just cut up a chocolate bar. Smarties or M&Ms have been known to work well too, as have bits of Mars bars. Go wild, lads.)

Now, first things first – you’re going to want to stick that margarine in a mug and microwave it for about 30 seconds, until melted. Then add your sugar, vanilla, and egg yolk. Get rid of the rest of the egg; you don’t need it. Now whisk it all together until it’s a decent mixture. Then you need to add your flour and use some elbow grease to whisk it together again. Finally, add your filling of choice – chocolate chips, M&Ms, whatever – and microwave for 40-60 seconds. And then, go to heaven as you take your first bite!

Holly Brown

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