Review: BoJack Horseman, season one

BoJack Horseman is a popular new animated sitcom created by Raphael Bob-Waksberg which aired on the 22nd of August 2014. The satirical animation series intended for a teenage/adult audience is not only visually captivating but also witty, naughty, humorous and intelligent. What’s unique about this American show is that it’s original to Netflix and it’s one of many successful animations series to never air on TV. Netflix is known for providing box-sets of all the best shows for viewers to watch at their own convenience.

The main character, BoJack Horseman, voiced by Will Arnett, and his friends display realistic celebrity culture in an unrealistic manner. The show displays animals with human attributes, BoJack is presented as being half man half horse, as the name suggests, which raises the question of bestiality when he seduces random girls back to his home, but most of that is left to the imagination.

These talking animals allow the use of clever puns, play on words and predictable jokes. The use of bright attractive colours in this animation, especially in its retro opening credit is reason enough to watch this show. This show is hard to describe as it integrates many visual oddities that work well together which will appeals to all type of audiences.

We follow BoJack on his 12 episode journey to restarting his career, falling in love and breaking hearts. After 20 years of not being in the spotlight. We see him regularly pine for his career in a famous 90’s family sitcom Horsin’ Around, which we learn about though his frequent flash-backs. We quickly see that BoJack yearns for public adoration in order to feel complete. He seems to believe that the only way to gain public attention is to write a memoir. He proves unsuccessful in writing his own memoir due to laziness and heavy procrastination so his publisher, Penguin, encourages him to work with a sassy ghost writer, Diane Nguyen.

BoJack and his many friends, Princess Carolyn, Todd Chavez and an equally-once famous Mr. Peanut-butter live their rich lives in the heart of Hollywood. The varying reference to pop-culture in the show is almost a dig at how we view celebrities nowadays. We are drawn into the show as it tells the story of BoJack’s current life after fame but simultaneously we are informed of his climb to the top and who he had to betray to get there. He is no longer happy and we see how cynical he has become in comparison to his previous happier self. He has become a lonely alcoholic, a drug addict and a selfish hard-hearted man who regularly complains and picks fight.

There is a dark undertone to the show in that it tells the truth but it is presented mostly as a joke. In his many adventures with his friends we are faced with heart-warming scenes and moments of betrayal as the episode progresses.

Netflix has already commissioned the second season of this show. It is predicted to air in 2015.
Until then, the first season can be binge-watched, or watched intermittently. However you do it, it’s a must watch.

Zainab Boladale

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