DCU team dance their way to success

DCU took home first place in mixed category for the fifth year running at the Dance Intervarsities last Wednesday.

The mixed category piece was made up of dancers from all of the DCU squads including contemporary, hip hop, Irish and ballet.

Hip hop choreographer Alison Flood was thrilled with the standing ovation the piece received from the judges and said it was a reflection of the Dance Society’s commitment to training.

“It was a great experience for everyone involved. We were delighted when all of our hard work paid off and we placed first,” said Ms Flood.

A total of sixty-one dancers represented DCU at the competition hosted by the Cork Institute of Technology. Other notable wins included third place in the jazz section.

The Karate Society also experienced success at their intervarsities competition, which was held in the Galway Mayo Institute of Technology on February 22nd. A team of eight competed and placed fifth out of the sixteen colleges.

DCU hosted the Badminton Intervarsities from February 21st to 23rd. This year’s was the biggest competition to date with two hundred plans from twenty-two teams competing. For the first time, DCU reached the finals, however lost out to UCD on winning the cup.

Chair of the Badminton Society, Franz Kwan said the event went well overall and said the society hopes to win Student Sport Ireland’s Event of the Year for 2014.

”It was a very successful event and it received excellent feedback from players and coaches,” he said.

Jennifer Purdy

Image Credit: DCU Dance Society

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