Aisling’s Special Favourites

The challenge is this: for 100 continuous days submit a photo of something that made you happy. Then share it on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter and if you complete it you receive a little book with your photos. The aim of this extremely cute challenge is to promote positive thinking and get people thinking about the small things that make you smile. Apparently 71 per cent of people who tried this failed because of lack of time so make time in your schedule for this fun challenge.

Hitlist app
If you’re dreaming of summer and inter-railing across Europe or thinking of popping on a plane over Reading Week (if you have one…), then this is the app for you. With this app you create a list of places you want to visit. You can find recommendations on the site and look at your friend’s wishlists. Then when a great flight, hotel or package deal is available for your dream destination the Hitlist team notify you so you can set off on your travels at the optimum price. Pretty fly, no? (sorry)

The DCU Fashion Show 2014 One of the biggest DCU events of the year is here. The DCU fashion Show is now in its ninth year and is taking place in the Wright Venue tomorrow at 8pm. Tickets are €10 and you can buy them online this year (oh, fancy) on Eventbrite. This includes entry, a goodie bag and entry to the afterparty in Baroque. The theme this year is Alice in Wonderland, with a twist. The winner of Project Young Designer Competition, which showcases budding Irish designers, will also be announced on the night.

Haim ‘If I Could Change Your Mind’
Can I just be like, an honorary member of Haim please? I’m not related to them and I can’t sing or but I could shake a tambourine and dance around on stage? It all just looks like so much fun. This tune is a corker but the video is even better. Full of synchronised dancing, hair tossing and finger clicking it’s a bit of a slow burner, but in the best sense of the phrase. If you like this check out the rest of their album ‘Days Are Gone’, one of my favourite 2013 records. While you’re at it have a quick listen to their cover of Beyonce’s XO on BBC Radio 1 Live Lounge. Divine.

Aisling Kett

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