Semester 2 Bingo!

Iara Moreia

Credits: DCU

As we’ve entered a new semester, many of us have tried to start fresh. As well as this, many of us have already failed or given up on locking in. Each semester countless students try to hold themselves to a higher standard, academic weapon style. But in the year of our LORD 2025, we could be trying something much more entertaining, and much more likely to help us succeed: BINGO!

Bingo has become a popular trend online, growing since 2023 when the internet was introduced to boyfriend/girlfriend bingo at the same time as jjjacksfilm’s “SSSniperWolf bbbingo”. This changed the idea of bingo from being a game played by people in retirement homes to being a fun challenge or competition where you try to come up with creative spaces and fill them out.

Instead of making a list this semester and trying to check them off one by one, put your list online into a bingo card maker, where it will randomize your items and spit out a 5×5 bingo card, each space filled with a goal you want to complete in this semester. From here, you can try to achieve a bingo by getting 5 in a row, or you can try and fill out the whole card. Either way, if you’re as competitive as I am, you will not be giving up on your goals this year.

But why stop here? Why not make more bingo cards? Why not start a competition with your friends? Well, a group of people in first year multimedia are doing just that in this new semester. 

“It actually has me looking forward to the new semester. I want to try and fill in my bingo card so I can win.” One person shared.
“I think it will be awesome.” Another shared, “I guess it’s like a fun game and always keeps the semester entertaining.”

If you too are looking to take part in second semester bingo, here are some spaces you can put in your cards:

  • Favourite Professor sighting
  • Wild confessions
  • Get posted on the confessions page
  • Londis full of secondary school lads
  • Hacked email
  • Someone breaks equipment
  • New society
  • Get an extension 2 weeks or less before due date
  • Lecture cancelled night before class
  • See a fight
  • Start a college wide TikTok trend.

So, what are you waiting for? Throw away your to-do list and make yourself a semester 2 bingo card. Don’t forget to mark your free spaces!