Feminism is taking over- first all girls nightclub event held in Dublin

Temi Idowu

In June of 2022 we saw the launch of a woman’s only club night known as “The Girls Room”.  Receiving major acclaim and success almost instantly another night was planned.

The idea of women’s only nights clubs aren’t necessarily new but they are spreading rapidly around the UK as well as Ireland. The Girl’s room being one of the most recent to surface.

But why the demand? Well, many women with myself included, have experienced a time when they just wanted to go out with a couple of friends and have found that while out they cannot enjoy their night without being assaulted, harassed or put in difficult situations by men.

Nightclubs have historically not been safe for women as many of us have navigated the scene hyper aware as to avoid danger, examples including spiking or general harassment.

According to their Instagram (@thegirlsroom), it was started as a way to create a safe space for all women to freely express themselves. It is important to have a safe place where we can unwind and build connections with other women away from men. 

The founder, Bergin, explained that she was inspired by the vibes of girl bathrooms. Women simply want to have a good time with their friends.

So what’s next? There has been push back against the rise of women only clubs. There are some concerns being raised about it potentially causing more seperation between the sexes. However that argument doesn’t play out when you consider the fact that there has always been spaces created by men to cater to men, so why not the same for women ?

As for the effect this may have on society in the foreseeable future, it will simply creates options for women who want a night out without looking over their shoulder every step they take. Women deserve spaces where they can feel safe and empowered without men breathing down their necks.

The success of  “The girls room”  is proof that there is a high demand for this sort of space and it wouldn’t be shocking if we began to see many more women’s only club spaces pop up around Dublin. This will improve the night club scene and create more diverse spaces for women to enjoy themselves.