[dropcap]S[/dropcap]tudents in Trinity College Dublin are finally experiencing a reopening of facilities, and a return to full capacity lectures, labs and tutorials.
Since November 1st, the city-centre campus has been welcoming back students for the first time since the pandemic began in 2020.
TCD is one of the last third-level institutions to reopen to full capacity classes, as they decided to take a more cautious approach.
A spokesperson for TCD told The College View that they stood by the decision “although it has limited the number of face to face classes that were possible”.
“Trinity determined – following broad consultation across College that involved its experts in health – a need for 1 metre of social distancing in teaching spaces in the first weeks of the term this year,” the spokesperson said, adding it was “based on advice that infection numbers would rise nationally in September which has happened”
These developments represent the second phase of the college’s plan of reopening.
The spokesperson said that as part of this, “Trinity has removed the requirement for social distancing so that all lecture spaces can operate at full capacity and more teaching will be face to face. The Library is also restored to full capacity, and the campus has reopened to the public.”
The spokesperson also confirmed that after Christmas, they are planning to resume all face to face teaching apart from where it was delivered online prior to the pandemic.
The decisions were made by the college’s Living with Covid Oversight Group, after the announcement by the Government to alter the reopening on October 22nd.
The first stage involved limited activity on campus from September 6th, with capacity limits on lecture sizes and social distancing in lecture halls, labs and other indoor spaces, such as the library.
While these measures are being lifted, TCD has said masks will continue to be required indoors.
Matthew Joyce
Image Credit: William Murphy