Using Feng Shui to attract positivity in your home

Feng Shui is an ancient art and science, developed over 3,000 years ago in China. Essentially, this is the energy between you and your environment, enabling you to change the placement of your belongings to welcome harmony and a natural flow of positive energy.

To break it down “feng” means wind and “shui” means water. In Chinese culture, water and wind are associated with good health and so, feng shui came to mean good fortune.

Patricia Lohan, a feng shui expert, explains that “your home is the foundation to your health, wealth and happiness – it must work in harmony with you in order to fully support you in order to receive the greatest level of health, wealth and joy.”

Lohan says that the energy of your environment blocks you from getting what you want, whether that’s a harmonious relationship, a career you love, great grades in college.

Bringing balance to your home or bedroom can make the world of a difference, without it it’s “like being in a cycle of one step forward, two steps back.”

Lohan explains how Feng Shui is all about shifting the energy is your room to get more results for the same amount of effort. You should use this as an opportunity to create a space that matches your goals and dreams.

It’s never too late to start and in the world of working from home, what a better time to Feng Shui your bedroom or workspace to clear stress and other negative energies. There are a number of things you can do to harmonise your bedroom.

Use calming colours

Warm, rich earthy tones like coppers, coral, cream and deep chocolatey brown can create a welcoming and cosy atmosphere in your bedroom. For added tranquillity and calming energy, introduce some soft colours such as lavender, light greens and blues. If you like a splash of colour, go with some reds and pinks as they welcome a romantic element but don’t go too overboard as these vibrant colours can become overwhelming.


In Feng Shui, clutter represents unfinished business and stops you from moving forward. Remove any unnecessary furniture and clutter, this allows the positive energy to freely flow around your space. Even though you cannot see inside your wardrobe, ensure that this is organised too as it will help clear your mind knowing that you are in a tidy space.


While you’re decluttering, try remove any electronic devices or gym equipment that does not need to be in your room. Your bedroom is a space for you to relax and rest, these electronics and other equipment can take up a lot of energy. If you are working from home and your bedroom is your home office, leave your laptop and phone in another room while you unwind before going to sleep.

Position your bed 

Okay, yes this does sound slightly weird, but hear us out. By putting your bed in a ‘commanding’ position, you feel a sense of security and protection while you sleep. This means to keep your bed as far away from the door as possible, but still in a position you can watch the door if needs be. Avoid having your bed under a low angled ceiling or a light as this can exude depressing energy that can potentially push you down.


Lighting is everything when it comes to pictures, videos and Zoom calls, so make sure the lighting in your room is always balanced. Having lots of natural light in the morning can boost your serotonin levels, the feel-good hormone in our brains. Of course, have soft lighting in the evening and complete darkness at night while you sleep.

All of these things sound like a lot, but gradually introducing even small elements of Feng Shui can bring harmony and balance in all aspects of your life, especially if you spend a lot of time in your bedroom.

Note: This article was reuploaded on 26/03/21 due to a fault with The College View website.

Emily Clarke

Image Credit: Stagetecture