DCU students raise almost €21,000 for Movember
Dublin City University has raised almost €21,000 throughout November by growing out their moustaches as part of the Movember initiative. Read more…
Dublin City University has raised almost €21,000 throughout November by growing out their moustaches as part of the Movember initiative. Read more…
On several occasions we have stood on our doorsteps and applauded the frontline workers, as they deserved it but now they also deserved to be paid. Read more…
We’ve all had to find our coping mechanisms during the pandemic, especially over the last six weeks where we’ve all be stuck inside. And we’re not out of the woods yet, Level 3 can only give us so much freedom. Read more…
Last week RTÉ broadcast a documentary, Bloody Sunday 1920, commemorating the 100-year anniversary of the tragedy. And it was lovely. Read more…
[dropcap]I[/dropcap]n a statement, the Irish Universities Association (IUA) said that universities are conscious of the uncertainty students are facing and have therefore planned to begin semester two of the academic year predominantly online.
[dropcap]T[/dropcap]he Union of Students in Ireland (USI) have launched a virtual campaign for international students within Ireland.
From epochal ball gowns to iconic athleisure wear, throughout her public life Diana’s wardrobe captivated the world’s attention. Portraying such a paragon of fashion is no easy feat, nor is recreating her style. Yet these were the mammoth challenges Emma Corrin and costume designer Amy Roberts found themselves tasked with in the latest season of The Crown. Read more…
The glorification of criminals on popular TV shows and movies can have a darker and more significant effect on society than people anticipate. Read more…
[dropcap]L[/dropcap]ast week a campaign began to put an end to image based sexual abuse (IBSA), or what is sometimes known as “revenge porn,” in Ireland.
“Know your rights, know when you’re being treated fairly and unfairly in a job, know there are unions you can join that will support you,” said Lucien Waugh-Daly, DCU Students’ Union’s (DCUSU) Vice President (VP) Read more…
Methadone clinics have been in Ireland since 1998. Their patients are still facing the same stigma as those who attended the clinics 22 years ago. Read more…
Feng Shui enables you to change the placement of your belongings to welcome harmony and a natural flow of positive energy. Read more…
StandUp Awareness week is running this week in a number of schools across Ireland. Organised by BeLonG To Youth Service, the charity for young LGBTI+ people, the initiative has been going on for 11 years and gives second level schools a chance to stand up against LGBTI+ related bullying. Read more…
With overwhelming transformations taking place to our planet as a result of climate change, it’s normal to feel the effects of climate grief on our emotions. Read more…
During the Trump-era, ‘Saturday Night Live’ (SNL) got a shot of cultural relevance through its comedic take on the first family. But now entering a post-Trump era, the show is going to need to come up with new material to hang onto its American liberal audience. Read more…
The Irish Federation of University Teachers (IFUT) has called for a single, clear health and safety plan to be published if face-to-face teaching in third-level colleges is to resume. Read more…
[dropcap]F[/dropcap]ormer DCU student Zainab Boladale was appointed to DCU’s Governing Authority on Friday November 13th.
[dropcap]T[/dropcap]he decline in international students attending Irish universities this year was not as drastic as previously expected according to a report from The Times.
[dropcap]F[/dropcap]ormer international player Lisa Jacob has been appointed the new manager of the Irish Women’s Hockey Team.
The Methadone Treatment Protocol (MTP) has been in Ireland since 1998. The patients of these methadone clinics are still facing the same stigma as those who attended the clinics 22 years ago.
From the rallying cries of Extinction Rebellion protesters to the enactment of the Climate Ambassador Programme, Carton feels we are a nation that has a propensity to do the right thing when it comes to climate action. Read more…
Every autumn, Dublin City University graduands, their families and DCU faculty, gather at the Helix to attend the annual graduation ceremonies and celebrate one of the most rewarding days of a student’s educational career. Read more…
[dropcap]D[/dropcap]CU has been named the Irish University of 2021 by the Sunday Times.
Some 1,600 student accommodation in Dublin City Centre will be used by tourists and other renters for short-stay rental, after a deal was struck with Dublin City Council. Read more…
The HSE ordered nearly €7.5m of defective ViraPro hand sanitiser that has been recalled. Read more…