A Gay and a Non Gay Podcast Live Show combined the light and the dark, humour and solemnity and, of course, gayness and non-gayness.
The UK’s number one LGBTQ+ podcast took over The Sugar Club on Lower Leeson Street on the night of Sunday, November 10th. Hosted by James Barr (gay) and Dan Hudson (non-gay), the venue was saturated in rainbows, unfiltered chat and laughter.
While most episodes last between 10-20 minutes, the live show ran for about an hour and a half, and was filled with even more content, guests and audience interaction.
Within the first two minutes of the show, Barr was down amongst the tables talking to audience members, with his microphone and sequined rainbow jacket sparkling beneath the spotlights. And later, those in the audience had to sing the theme tune of a segment called “Things That Dan Cannot Say” to the melody of “Born This Way” by Lady Gaga.
The duo’s usual light hearted bickering was present throughout the show, poking fun at each other and cracking jokes, with the audience genuinely laughing out loud at the two.
The conversation dynamic was a wonderful mix of comedy and laughter while acknowledging the more difficult topics gay oppression and clerical abuse.
Guest Colm O’Gorman, Executive Director of Amnesty International Ireland, was asked about his legal action against the Vatican, described as suing the Pope. O’Gorman then corrected this saying that, since Pope John Paul II was canonised, he actually sued a saint. Of course, this got a laugh from the audience, however the reason for this legal action was because O’Gorman was horribly abused by a priest in his teens.
Similarly another guest, Reverend Chris Hudson, a heterosexual priest of the Church of Ireland, had everyone laughing loudly in their seats with his jokes. However, he also made sure to point out the importance of inclusion and of fostering love in a community, no matter what one’s sexuality.
The show was anything but a money grab. They did sell merchandise, €20 for a t-shirt, at the end of the show. However, where meet and greet tickets would be on sale for a price at most other live shows, Barr and Hudson encouraged audience members to just come down to the stage and take a picture for free and chat with the them.
The tickets themselves cost €22.50 – the mere price of a dress on Nasty Gal or about three Big Mac meals. And the episode will appear on their Spotify and iTunes channel. However, similar to going to a concert above just listening to the album, it’s the experience of being there.
The experience is worth the three Big Mac meals. And on top of that: it’s better to laugh to the jokes of Dan Hudson and James Barr in a safe environment at a cosy venue with a pint in your hand and a rainbow above your head, rather than on the train with your earphones in, laughing to yourself like a psycho.
Niamh Quinlan
Image Credit: A Gay and a Non Gay Podcast