
DCU Gender identity policy in final stages

March 20, 2018

A Gender Identity and Expression policy for DCU is currently in the final stages of development and can be expected later this year, the head of the University’s Equality Office has said.

DCU News

Storm Emma water reductions: explainer

March 19, 2018

In the aftermath of Storm Emma, Dublin City Council announced water restrictions across the greater Dublin area which left DCU without water across its campuses.

No Picture

Are award ceremonies a place for politics?

March 14, 2018

If they don’t speak out on important topics, they’re criticised. If they do, they face backlash. Presenter and controversial Twitter user Piers Morgan described Meryl Streep’s anti-Trump speech as “hypocrisy”, but many others praised her words. They can’t win and they can’t lose. Read more…


Snow one gets left behind

March 14, 2018

Her name was Emma, and though she came as a shock for Ireland , delivering snow and curtailing progress, she will be remembered by many, as the storm that let us out to play.


Are same-sex schools better than mixed schools?

March 14, 2018

Same sex schools can often make it harder for people to learn how interact with the opposite gender. It may make it difficult for students when they go into a work place, be it part time or full time to interact with the opposite gender. Read more…

National News

No phising here

March 13, 2018

EU regulations for the control of data security, which come into force in May, are a long way from compliance rates, according a cyber-security expert. “Ahead of the GDPR regulations which come into effect on Read more…

SU Elections 2018

DCUSU Clubs Officer candidate: Thomas Dorian

March 7, 2018

Thomas Dorian is a second year English and History student and the current Clubs Officer for DCU Students’ Union.  Dorian hopes to be re-elected for a second term and is the sole candidate running for Read more…