
Top club honours for DCU boxing

April 11, 2018

[dropcap]D[/dropcap]CU Boxing enjoyed yet another successful year culminating in again being crowned as Ireland’s top third level boxing club.

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Netflix’s ‘Love’ takes a bow after three seasons

April 4, 2018

[dropcap]Most[/dropcap] real-life love stories don’t have the fairytale ending often portrayed in television, which is why it’s probably a good thing Netflix’s Love has concluded after only three seasons.

DCU News

DCU to host cultural festival Anam

April 4, 2018

[dropcap]DCU[/dropcap] is collaborating with RTÉ radio programme South Wind Blows to host Anam, a two-day festival dedicated to music, poetry, film and drama. The event, which takes place on the 11th and 12th of April Read more…


One DCU student runs for USI position

April 4, 2018

[dropcap]F[/dropcap]inal year Education and Training student Kayla Gaffney is the only DCU student running for a position in the USI elections taking place today.


Pope Francis to visit a changed Ireland

April 4, 2018

[dropcap]P[/dropcap]ope Francis is scheduled to come to Ireland for the World Meeting of Families in August 2018. However, he is coming to a country that is very different to the ‘catholic Ireland’ that the last Read more…


Grub Guide: Dolce Sicily

April 4, 2018

Aakanksha Surve tells us about the sweet taste of Sicily that is available from the coffee shop, Dolce Sicily, hidden just off Grafton street. Read more…


Ireland’s gin revolution

April 4, 2018

As one of the most popular drinks of the moment with trendy fruit concoctions, mixers and balloons glasses to accompany it, gin has become the drink of the year with exports seeing a massive growth in Ireland recently. Read more…


Living in Dublin: a luxurious cost

April 4, 2018

The sad reality is, student accommodations have the power to do this. They take advantage of vulnerable families and students who are forced to pay this money so they have a roof over their heads for the year. Read more…


The severity of period pains

April 4, 2018

[dropcap]F[/dropcap]or most girls their period can be a bit of a hindrance, making them cramp up, break out or bloat. But for some, it can disable them from their everyday life.

National News

Campaign launched for warning labels on takeaways

April 4, 2018

[dropcap]C[/dropcap]hinese takeaways and ready meals should carry health warning labels on their packaging and menus for high salt content, according to health campaign group Action on Salt.


The journey to the J1

April 4, 2018

As J1 season rolls around again, Ashleigh Nolan told her tale of how she organised, funded and prepared for her trip to America last summer. Read more…