DCUtv 24 Hour Broadcast raises over €8,800 for children’s cancer charity

Emily Sheahan

DCU’s Media Production Society (MPS) raised over €8,800 in aid of the children’s cancer charity Aoibheann’s Pink Tie during their annual DCUtv 24 Hour Broadcast.

They raised €8,630.64 through donations during the broadcast and the amount kept rising after the 24 hour mark to a total of €8,837.78 at the time of writing. 

They surpassed their goal of €7,000 around the 21 hour mark. It is estimated that an additional €300-€350 was raised in fundraising beforehand.

Aoibheann’s Pink Tie was founded by Jimmy Norman and Mick Rochford in 2010 after Norman’s daughter Aoibheann died of cancer at eight years old. 

Norman said its fantastic to see young people making “such a great effort to help children that are fighting cancer, to help the families that are fighting cancer in Ireland.”

“It brings great kudos to Aoibheann’s Pink Tie,” he said.

He said they appreciate and realise the effort it takes to “get something like this off the ground.”

“From Aoibheann’s father, from Aoibheann’s Pink Tie, we’re absolutely, totally grateful.”

He said the money raised will help them get their next project off the ground, a respite home for children fighting cancer and their families from all over Ireland. He said it aims to ensure “that everybody has a safe place to stay,” especially with the current difficulties with accommodation in Ireland.

“This money will help us fulfil this dream.”

The students produced and live streamed 24 hours of original content from 9pm on Friday, November 30th, to 9pm on Saturday, December 1.

MPS Chairperson Hannah Gallagher said those who participated “put their heart and soul into making such great content.” “Everyone wanted to make this their best broadcast and I think they did.”

“I’ve loved every second of my three years of the broadcast and I’m devastated to see it go but I know there’s first years, and second years now, that we can leave it in good hands with, so I’m delighted for them.”

This year, Ross McCarney took on the role of DCUtv Manager. McCarney said for the last two years he has mostly worked backstage, doing shows:

“It’s very interesting to see how much goes in to it and how you feel like you’re part of something bigger – bigger than just you, you have a lot of people relying on you and at the same time it’s kind of got that feeling of like – you’re making a difference,” he said. “Being able to feel that in such a final way is really something I won’t forget anytime soon.”

“I’ve usually worked in the parttaking side of the broadcast, I never really was this involved in the organising bit – I know Eoin was very hands on from day one so it’s probably been a very different journey for him.”

Deputy DCUtv Manager Eoin Cooke said his final broadcast was “better than [he] ever thought it could be”.

“Turning off the lights and locking that door is probably one of the hardest things I’m ever going to do have to do in my life,” he said. “It felt like it was ending a chapter of one of the most important things in my life.”

“We raised over a grand and a half over our own target and that was such an incredible achievement that we’re so proud of,” he said. “Seeing the content that’s made by our members really helps us see the talent that’s in the future committee of MPS.”

Last year, the broadcast raised over €10,000 for SOSAD, a suicide prevention and bereavement support charity.  


Emily Sheahan

Image Credit: Riain Condon