Maynooth and China announce joint college

Aoibhín Meghan

This partnership with Fuzhou is all part of Maynooth’s new Strategic Plan 2018-2020 which was announced in the middle of October.

MaynoothUniversity establishes a new joint international college of engineering in China which is expected to pave the way for future research and innovation partnerships between Ireland and China.

This new engineering college is part of Fuzhou University one of China’s leading universities and it is expected that 1,200 Chinese students will graduate with Maynooth qualifications over the next four years.

Speaking to the Irish Times Professor Philip Nolan, president of Maynooth, explained that “Fuzhou has been selected as one of the highest potential universities in all of China”.

Nolan feels that “a long term partnership” is the best way forward in order to develop engineering research and teaching.

The academic partnership will see Chinese students receive qualifications in computer science and electronic engineering, and this college is expected to expand research and innovation particularly in areas such as artificial intelligence and robotics.

Overseas student won’t be the only ones gaining access to these new computer science qualifications, Irish students will also be able to avail of the new courses.

Last year it was announced that Computer Science would be added to the Leaving Certificate curriculum, therefore teachers and experts in these areas will soon become in high demand.

Maynooth hopes that by introducing more courses related to computer science and engineering it will alleviate the lack of science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM) teachers in Ireland.

Dr Noel Murphy, a senior lecturer in DCU’s Electronic Engineering department feels that Maynooth’s new venture will be very beneficial for Irish education.

“Having access to these additional experts in these important areas will indeed most likely bring additional STEM education benefits to the Irish educational system” said Murphy.

This partnership with Fuzhou is all part of Maynooth’s new Strategic Plan 2018-2020 which was announced in the middle of October.

The college is expected to have 300 graduates each year, at full capacity, and Maynooth are currently recruiting 13 lecturers as well as administrative staff to take part in this international partnership which has been assisted by Enterprise Ireland.

Like their Irish counterpart which was founded only 20 years ago, Fuzhou University is a young university established in 1958.

Their primary focus is in the fields of science and engineering and they are one of 100 universities selected to be a part of the Chinese national policy Project 211, which is designed to improve tertiary education across China.

Aoibhín Meghan

Image Credit: Carrie McMullan