Candidate Sean Gallagher spoke to young voters in DCU days before the presidential election.

Amy Donohoe

Sean Gallagher spoke to thos in the Law Society in DCU days before the presidency of Ireland was decided. Image Credit: David Conachy

Sean Gallagher spoke to the Law Society members in the U last week. It was his last event of his campaign before the vote on the Irish presidency.

Gallagher began by saying that he was raised in a small rural village where he knew everyone and most of them were entrepreneurs, but they never called themselves that. They inspired him to become the business man he is today.

“He spoke about the future of Ireland, the importance of innovation and empowering the
youth to insight change in society. He took our questions in his stride and I wish him the best of luck in his future endeavours.” said Yazmeen Mac Donnell, Law Society chairperson.

Gallagher said that the next president has to be here for seven years and that they have to
be full of energy. He briefly criticised the lack of effort from President Michael D Higgins as he never appeared on Wednesday night’s presidential television debate along with the other candidates.

“If you want the last seven years, vote for President Higgins, but if you’re looking
for change, vote for someone else.”

He has worked in business for 30 years and he believes that Ireland has the skills, talents
and confidence to improve our nation’s trade.

Gallagher spoke about how important the future is and why we should be focusing on it
rather than reflecting on the past.

“We must learn from history and use it to create the future,” said Gallagher.

The former Fianna Fail representative said: “In 20 years time you will be working in a job that’s not yet developed.” and “it’s up to yous to shape the future.”

He warned students not to wait for politicians to change the country and do it yourself.

“Don’t learn to follow linear lines.”

He also stated that he wants to work on the disability system. Gallagher was born with
congenital cataracts, which has left him with limited sight. This has inspired him to help the 50,000 people in Ireland with disabilities.

He is determined to help our country in the face of the uncertainty of Brexit and prevent
people from losing their jobs.

He also described himself of having too much to give. He explained that he wasn’t born to pay bills, he was born to create change and take risks as “only in failure can you learn.”

He encouraged each student to make use of their vote and vote for the candidate they want.

By Amy Donohoe

Image Credit: David Conachy