[dropcap]What[/dropcap] springs to mind when we think about women and music? The music industry has no shortage of influential female artists and if anything, it’s an industry where there is no such thing as under representation. Ian Mangan tells us about the most influential female lead bands.
1. Molly Rankin- Alvvays
These Toronto natives released their self-titled album back in 2014 and Rankin’s talent is solely at the core of every track. Her dreamy vocals accentuate her wistful lyrics especially on tracks like Archie, Marry Me. Rankin, who is the daughter of famous folk fiddler John Morris Rankin, stepped up the energy with their second release, Antisocialites, with pulsating tracks like Saved by a Waif showing these guys weren’t a one trick pony.
2. Lydia Night- The Regrettes
This girl is just incredible. The Regrettes are pure LA rock and everything about them is perfect. With fast but simple guitar riffs and addictive chorus hooks, these guys are set for big things but the star of the show is Lydia. She’s got a retro style, powerful energy and a nostalgic sound with a modern edge making Lydia well on her way to becoming a rock icon. You can tell Lydia just loves what she does and fun tracks like Hey Now! and Seashore are so infectious it’s hard not to want to be in a crowd at one of their gigs.Their debut album Feel Your Feelings Fool! is just what lovers of straight up rock and roll need, complete with a touch of the 1960’s to pluck on your nostalgic heartstrings. Oh and she’s also 16 years old, big things ahead indeed.
3. Ellie Rowsell- Wolf Alice
Wolf Alice are unstoppable right now and there’s no denying front woman Ellie Rowsell is what put these guys on the map. Their first album My Love is Cool arrived with a bang with hits like Silk and Bros which showed off Ellie’s mastery of meaningful lyrics about friendship and heartbreak and her effortless merge of heavy grunge and punk with indie rock. Rowsell shook things up even further with their 2017 release of Visions of a Life with a radical but welcome shift in sound most notable in their dream-like beat Don’t Delete the Kisses. But what makes these guys so special is Ellie during their live performances. Just look up any performance on YouTube, sit back and allow yourself to be blown away.
4. Juliette Jackson-The Big Moon
An English addition this time, The Big Moon only have one album to date but it’s not to be looked down upon. The Big Moon actually comprises completely of women and they boy do these guys like to make noise. Tracks like Pull the Other One shows off their bolstering distorted guitar while songs like Cupid have an undeniable country rock influence. Jackson is chill just when she needs to be but shows her true rocker girl side with the push of a distortion pedal and she’s impossible not to love.