Sussed: Amsterdam

credit: emer handly

Amsterdam is well known as a city in love with art. It is one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world.

Why does it have such an appeal? Most people will say ‘weed is legal’. They’d be right, but the city has much more to offer alongside its marijuana. There are an array of museums, exhibitions, music events and quaint spots to satisfy your artsy side. And hey, who wouldn’t want the Instagram photos?

Anne Frank House

There is something incredible about learning about the life of Anne Frank while being in the very place she wrote her diary. You get a real sense of how she felt and how intelligent and brave she was for her age. You’ll experience waves of emotion and may even shed a tear or two. Undoubtedly a heart wrenching yet amazing experience.

Van Gogh Museum

One of the most famous painters that ever lived, Van Gogh’s work is even more impressive in person. The museum takes you through every stage of his life, from a young painter to a man with a tortured mind. His story is one that captivates you right till the very end.

The canals

The city’s beautiful canals are a highlight of anyone’s trip. Each one is more picturesque than the next. Stop and take in their beauty (because the River Liffey could never compare.) Be sure to take a canal cruise. A night cruise is breathtaking, the bridges are lit up with fairy lights and it is magical. You’ll learn a lot of interesting facts about the city along the way.

A’DAM Lookout

This tall building is just a five minute free ferry ride away. The lift to the top plays a cool futuristic light show. Once you get out onto the rooftop, you are blown away. The 360 degree panoramic view of the city is phenomenal, especially if you go at night when the city lights are all you can see. They also offer an ‘over the edge’ experience, where you sit on a mechanical swing and literally swing over the edge of the building. It is a thrilling and magical experience.

Kattencafé Kopjes

This is a quaint café on the outskirts of the city, but with a twist. You sit and have your coffee, surrounded by cats. That’s right. Cute, furry cats keep you company while you enjoy whatever tickles your fancy on the lovely menu. Bookings are two hour slots so there’s plenty of time to play with the kitties too.

These are just a few highlights of the stunning city. Other must sees are: The Rijks museum, the Ice bar, the Nemo museum, the Tulip museum, the flower market, the Opera house and the parks. The best thing you can do is go wandering and you will find yourself more arsty places than your heart (or Instagram) will ever need.

Emer Handly

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