Party, Plan & Prepare this Christmas

The end of semester one is here and students cannot wait to put away the books and relax. Spending time with family and friends is what Christmas holidays are all about. The excitement of no college takes over and everyone starts planning nights out and fun things to do. However, students tend to forget that although there is no college, there is still college work. Let’s face it, we all tell ourselves that we will keep up the work during the break. But the reality is, one minute you are drunk watching the fireworks on New Year’s Eve and the next you realise you have a week until your exams and you have done nothing. Do not worry, here are some tips to help you stay motivated.

Make a list of the work you need to do over the break. Now.

What assignments do you have? What modules have January exams? What do you need to study for them? Having the work set out clearly in your head will make it much easier for you.

Do not bring home a mountain of books.

This will just scare you into avoiding study. Only bring home what you are going to use. Download ebooks and check your local library. It will save you the hassle and the library fees. 

Make a study/assignment plan.

Set out in detail everything you are going to do. There are websites that help you create your own study plan for free. You don’t have to stick to it religiously, but it will help you to stay motivated and focused.

Clean your room.

You are inevitably going to have a floordrobe after deciding what outfit to wear on NYE, but try to keep it clean, or at least less messy.  I know, I sound like your mother. But having a tidy and organised room will do wonders for your motivation. Tidy room, tidy mind.

Give yourself free time too.

The whole break does not have to be work, work, work. Make time for doing other things. Nights out, nights in, plans and ‘me time’ will give you the ability to stay motivated. It is all about balance.


Emer Handly

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