How to have an Irish Thanksgiving

While Thanksgiving may primarily be an American tradition, it shouldn’t stop us from celebrating the holiday’s ideals.

There are lots of lessons to be learnt and ways to celebrate. Heck you can even simply treat yourself to a day of guilt-free eating and great food with a Turkey sandwich, or use it as an excuse to post one final pumpkin spice latte picture on Instagram.

In today’s culture the day represents much more than an excuse for a food coma, or even its history of Pilgrims and Native Americans working together. It‘s the coming together of people from all walks of life to celebrate a day of acceptance, a day to be grateful, a day to share with each other.

How about wishing your USA mates a Happy Thanksgiving this Thursday the 24th. DCU has over 2000 non Irish students many of which are Americans. Away from their family and friends in a country that barely acknowledges a day they grew up with. Can you imagine living alone in a city that didn’t recognise Christmas, watching your friends and family posting on social media?

Text your Mam, call your Dad and facetime your stupid little brother just to say cheers. Cheers for the good times and being there for the bad times.

Those with a bit of time to spare could give back to the community and help out in a homeless shelter. To some, any warm dinner is as special as a Thanksgiving dinner.

Michelle Martin

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