First CRC of the year held in Glendalough

Class reps spent two days training for the role in Glendalough

The first Class Rep Council of the year took place in Glendalough last Thursday and saw the election of 11 new class rep officers and an Electoral Committee.

The meeting was held at the end of a two-day training trip for class reps, which was attended by 95 people, including the Students’ Union executive.

A limited number of reps could attend, with all present reps casting their votes for the available positions.

When asked if capping the number of students who could attend the meeting was providing equal opportunity for all reps to either run or vote in the elections, Chair of CRC, Callaghan Commons said that everyone had been given a chance.

“Realistically not all class reps were going to attend, they never do,” he said.

“We sent out an email (outlining the election schedule) . If they wanted to run they could contact us but nobody contacted us back. There was fairness around everyone, all the class reps had a chance to run.”

First to be elected was the Electoral Committee, who, amongst other things, help oversee the annual SU elections. Nine people put themselves forward for a place on the committee and eight were elected.

The Electoral Committee will be chaired by OSL officer Andy Dunne, who held the same position last year and filled in at Thursday’s meeting as returning officer.

Also elected was a first-year officer, access officer, accommodation officer, sustainability officer, equality officer, equality LGBTA officer, international officer, INTRA officer, an Irish officer, nursing officer and mature officer.

Unusually, the budget was not discussed as it typically is at the first CRC of the year. SU President, Dylan Kehoe said this was because of an issue with accounts due to the incorporation. He said the budget would be provided for class reps at the next council meeting.

Rebecca Lumley

Image Credit: Eimear Maguire





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