The Basic Guide

[dropcap]T[/dropcap]he leaves are turning brown, the cold weather is creeping in, this can only mean one thing: Autumn is officially here, also known as basic season.

If you are basic, there is nothing to be ashamed of, and if you are not it is time to embrace your inner basicness.

Pumpkin Spice Lattes are back and of course cluttering up my Instagram feed. Although Christmas tries to out basic the Pumpkin Spice Latte with their red cups, the autumn beverage will always reign supreme for every basic girl.

Another basic girl staple is a good old fashioned UGG Boot. I have waited all year to pull out my trusted UGGs and my toes are finally cold enough to bring them back. Real basics wear the original beige boot but they come in many colours and styles, so stock up on the Australian beauty. Although the boots may be toasty, once they get wet it is an absolute nightmare, so they may not be appropriate for Irish weather. Step up your basic level by taking a Instapic with your Pumpkin Spice Latte and your UGG boots, you know you want to.

For your basic interior design needs, look no further than spiced candles. A quick trip to Penneys should help with all your candle needs, even on a budget. However, do not be afraid to branch out to the Yankee Candle shop. I am sure your basic soul can navigate the way to your closet branch.

Now, let us all say it together: Basic and Proud

Bronwyn O’Neill

Image Credit: Laura Horan


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