DCU Clubs & Socs fair reaches record sign ups

DCU Clubs & Societies Office, upstairs in The Hub

DCU clubs and societies registered over 15,500 sign ups during the Clubs and Societies Fair 26th-29th September, according to DCU clubs and society office.

Enterprise Society (E-Soc) registered 1560 memberships, making them the most successful out of the four day fair with around 10% of all registered sign ups.

However, E-soc has yet to register all of their members into the online database and estimate their final number of sign ups will reach over 3000, an added 400 members compared to last year’s sign-ups during the Clubs and Societies Fair.

Due to current renovations throughout DCU, the fair was not hosted in The Venue as in previous years. Instead, it took place in the Sports Complex on Glasnevin Campus and the Auditorium on St.Patrick’s Campus.

Chairperson of E-Soc, Brendan Power, told The College View the society was initially worried about keeping up their previously high numbers as the venue was changed.

“I would have been concerned beforehand with the change of venue and the flow of people to the sports centre but overall the setup was brilliant and very smooth from our side,” Power said.

He attributes the success of the society to their strong presence in the first few weeks of the semester.

“The society is popular due to our active presence during the first few weeks of the year, the consistency of events throughout the academic calendar and the fantastic team of people behind it,” Power said.

There are around 100 different clubs and societies for students to avail of in DCU. This year six new societies were established, with one other society previously based in St.Patrick’s Campus relocating to Glasnevin.

This was the first year the clubs and societies fair was held across both Glasnevin and St.Patrick’s campuses, following the universities amalgamation. There were three sign up days held on Glasnevin Campus and one on St.Patrick’s Campus.

Prose Society, a creative writing society, gained the most sign ups from all of the new societies set up this year, with 58 people signing up.

Alexandra Tsay, the societies chairperson, said she set up the society to create a space for creative writers to talk and share ideas about their work.

“I’m actually very surprised at how well it took off myself,” Tsay told The College View.

I used to think that writers were a rare species and most don’t really tell you they write until you keep pestering them about it,” Tsay said, “but then this society happened and there are so many”.

SurfnSail signed up the most people during the fair out of all the clubs with 433 memberships.
Students can still sign up to any club or society throughout the year by visiting the clubs and society office in the Students’ Union and paying a €4 membership fee.

Hannah Kelly

Image Credit: Laura Horan

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