Keeping your cool commuting

You got your timetable, had fun at Freshers’ and forgotten the name of almost every person you have met so far, but have you thought about how you could improve the quality of your commute?

I must admit that transitioning back into the commuter lifestyle after having stayed in Dublin for two years was a shock to the system, but a shock lessened by good planning and a few small daily changes.

Prep for success

You really will appreciate a good quality backpack during exam season when the rain is pouring down and you find yourself standing at the bus stop staring at the Real Time sign.
You may have your eye on that stylish rucksack you saw on Instagram, but will its pretty pattern and delicate features make it through the next few weeks, never mind the next semester?
Spend a little time and money looking for and ultimately investing in a good quality backpack that will easily fit all the essentials and some, without looking like a modern-day Mary Poppins.

Layer it up

Instead of donning the puffiest, most padded coat you can find, dress wisely with lots of layers. Your morning walk may be long and treacherous in the winter months, brace yourself with a mix of jackets, scarves and gloves. When in doubt, throw an umbrella in your bag, you never know when rain might strike (or buses at that). It is always better to be prepared and dry than soaked and solemn at the stop.

Powerbanks are your new best friend

Pick up a powerbank for next to nothing in Penneys and never miss a text or tweet again. Bus journeys can feel like a lifetime and a phone with no power only prolongs the trip. They aren’t just for festivals and can be a real lifesaver when disaster strikes.

Utilise your time

You may want to doze off on the way to and from college, but why not seize this opportunity and read over lecture notes or jot down some ideas for upcoming assignments? Make use of the free WiFi and often quiet place and I can guarantee you will feel more productive afterwards.

Know your timetable inside out

Make sure you never miss a thing by importing your timetable to your Google Calendar. Similarly, you can add bus and train times, meaning you will never miss the last one.

Áine Monk

Image Credit: Oisín McQueirns

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