DCU News

CRC elects new chair and secretary

April 20, 2016

Shorter meetings and greater inclusivity were aims outlined by Callaghan Commons, who was elected as the new chair of Class Rep Council last Tuesday. Mary Hand, Eoin Carroll and Commons were all nominated for the Read more…

DCU News

Students prepare for Census

April 20, 2016

DCU students are preparing to take this year’s Census, which will attempt to document who is where in Ireland for the first time since 2011. Census 2016 will take place on the night of Sunday, Read more…


So you want to jump out of a plane?

April 20, 2016

Last week I completed my first ever tandem skydive. It was one of the best experiences of my life. I raised money for the Early Childhood Cancer charity, so I could jump. Eight members of Read more…


Tequila sunrise recipe

April 20, 2016

Summer is the season where thoughts of work and responsibilities disappear briefly and you transport yourself to a hot country, lounging by the pool sipping on that perfect alcoholic beverage. Unfortunately, we can’t help you Read more…


Holidaying with your other half

April 20, 2016

So you haven’t been on a sun holiday since you hit Santa Ponsa with the girls back in 2013. Now suddenly the other half has surprised you with a week in Portugal for your 21st. Read more…


Handling your first J1

April 20, 2016

Heading off to the States on a J1 is a rite of passage for most Irish students. In recent years more and more restrictions have been placed on the working visa and this year is Read more…


Festival fashion trends

April 20, 2016

With Coachella just behind us it’s officially festival season. Whether you’re going to Body and Soul or Electric Picnic, festival trends can be a tricky minefield to navigate, with previous years being criticised for cultural Read more…


Dúshlán na Foghlaimeora

April 20, 2016

Cuimhním go soiléir ag 14 bliain d’aois ag siúl chun an mhúinteora os comhair an ranga agus ag rá “I don’t have good Irish, so could you explain things in English too?” Read more…


Living with disablement

April 20, 2016

My little sister Grace is 10 years old. She can’t walk or talk. She knows basic sign language. She gets around in a wheelchair. She couldn’t eat for years. She can only do for herself Read more…


Saol Lasmuigh Dár bhFuinneog – Agallamh

April 20, 2016

Mar bhuachaill óig is léir go raibh suim ar leith aige ó thaobh na cultúr eachtranacha de agus ba chlár faisnéise a spreag é chun an Ghaeilge a fhoghlaim, clár a chur eolas i leith na teanga in iúl dó agus a spreag grá di ann. Read more…


REVIEW: Muse at the 3Arena

April 20, 2016

  Teignmouth titans Muse are no stranger to Irish shores and last week saw their first show here since 2012 – when they toured their sixth album, The 2nd Law. The trio are showing off Read more…


To make a mother

April 20, 2016

Calls for a review of the judicial system and sentencing laws have been heard too often in cases of rape, manslaughter, and sexual abuse. Examples where the level of the sentence does not appear to Read more…


Respect sees no nationality

April 20, 2016

For anyone who had seen RTÉ’s recent drama series Rebellion, they would have realised it perfectly encapsulated the hardship faced by the poorer, lower class of the Irish nation during 1916. For those poorer families, Read more…


Powerpuff Girls Reboot

April 20, 2016

  For the past year, the world has been obsessed with the eighties and nineties – the revival of the fashion, the celebrities and of course the films and television shows. Following in the footsteps Read more…


Festival line-ups in flying form

April 20, 2016

A long summer lies ahead, however, not all of us have the luxury of escaping on a J1 for three months or going InterRailing around Europe with friends for a couple of weeks. Whether it Read more…


Film Review: My Name is Emily

April 20, 2016

  If you were to describe My Name is Emily in one word, it would be special. From its conception, this movie has been different from most. Irish director Simon Fitzmaurice was diagnosed with Motor Read more…