Exam-proof skincare


As a woman who’s suffered from cystic acne since I was 13, I understand the importance of good skincare around exam season. Here’s my top tips I swear by for healthy, spot-free skin:

Manage Stress
I know, easier said than done around this time of year, but managing your time well and staying calm can keep spots at bay. I recommend trying out meditation and getting a good night’s sleep every night.

Drink Water
Drinking at least 2 litres of water a day is something I can’t urge you to do enough. Along with helping you focus, water will keep skin clear and hydrated, meaning no more spots.

Anti-bacterial and oil absorption properties in toothpaste make it a great remedy for a breakout. Unfortunately it can also dry out your skin so only use it in emergencies.

When choosing a moisturiser, make sure it’s suited to your skin type, whether it’s oily, dry or combination skin, you’ll find something that works for you. If you are prone to acne, look for “noncomedogenic” on the label.

Makeup Remover
Remember to take off your makeup before bed. I recommend using micellar water with cotton buds. It’s gentle on the skin and doesn’t require any rinsing.


Hannah Kelly

Image Credit: Naturals

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