CRC top of the agenda for Engagement & Development post

Five candidates compete for one of the new positions on the Students’ Union, Vice President for Engagement and Development.

Bruton, a Humanities student at St.Patrick’s College, believes his approachable nature and dedication makes him the best candidate for the new role. Among his top priorities are: a more efficient class representative council, including more training for class representatives, setting up an events committee and being visible on the ground. 

“The involvement of each student from both campuses is something which I am extremely passionate about and feel this is extremely important next year with the amalgamation,” said Bruton.

Stephen Hallihan, a third year multimedia student, believes his communication skills and ability to motivate people along with his involvement in societies make him the right person for the role. If elected he hopes to make the Students’ Union less political and wants to focus on utilising the class rep council fully.

He believes that people should “vote for me if they like me as a person, if they think I’m going to do a good job not because I promise to do A,B and C.”

Keith McGinty, a fourth year St.Pats student studying a bachelors of education believes he “can make a real difference this year” in the position’s first year. His first course of action would be to execute several student engagement surveys so could be held accountable for the work he was doing.

Overall McGinty wants to achieve a more universal way for students to engage across all campuses. “With more students there’s more power, and more opportunity to get things done”, McGinty said.

Naoise McHugh is a final year multimedia student, who believes his “determination and social skills” will engage students across all campuses to get involved in extra curricular activities.

McHugh intends to create a clubs and socks week across all campuses because he’s “always been involved in extra curricular activities”, as well as creating time management workshops in order for students to learn how to manage their workload so that they can engage in extra curricular activities.

Eimear McGuire is a final year BA of Humanities student in St. Pats. Her participation in college life is what makes her believe she is “living proof” that the amalgamation of the DCU campuses is going to work.

She wants to “help people realise that getting involved and developing yourself as a person” is the way to go to gain a better college experience.

If elected, Maguire hopes to engage the students in what facilities and activities are available, as she believed societies and getting involved in activities is what kept her going in college.

Hannah Kelly & Aisling McCabe

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