Not all fun and James: Academic Affairs result expected to be tight

James Donoghue and James Nolan are the two candidates running for the new position of Academic Affairs Officer in the Students’ Union election this year.

James Donoghue is a Journalism graduate and the current Education Officer in the Students’ Union. He believes the experience he gained over the last year makes him the best candidate for the role of Academic Affairs Officer.

This new position on the SU is based around two pillars; support and representation, according to Donoghue.

“The first one involves exam results, changes in modules, disagreements with lecturers and grinds,” he said.

The second pillar is representation, which involves sitting on committees and representing students on various issues. “It’s not as glamourous, there’s lots of reading up to be done but I really do enjoy it.”

Donoghue is a firm supporter of the Union of Students in Ireland (USI) and thinks they’re valuable. “They do some really good stuff. However I do think they need to branch out more in DCU and we do need to see them more.”

When asked about a referendum on DCU’s affiliation with the USI Donoghue said: “I suppose it’s up to the students to decide but my personal opinion on USI is that it’s a great thing to be involved in, in terms of campaigns nationwide and things that interest students.”

James Nolan is a second year Computer Applications student. He is the current faculty representative for Engineering and Computing and was a class rep in first year. He believes his “on the ground” experience will be enough to win him the position of Academic Affairs Officer.

The new position is going to be a stressful one, Nolan said, but with the help of the Education and Placement Officer, he will be able to handle the increasing number of students.

“I’ve been listening to the two running for Education and Placement Officer and they have some brilliant ideas.”

“I don’t think CRC functions to the best of its ability.” Nolan said if elected he will work with the Engagement and Development Officer to improve the CRC. “One of my ideas is to give first time speakers a round of applause,” he said. “That is a huge confidence boost for people speaking for the first time.”

Earlier continuous assessment and repeat exam results is one of Nolan’s main points in his manifesto. “20 days before the start of semester one lectures is not good enough for repeat exam results. That’s putting more stress on staff as well as students.”

Students can vote online for the SU elections via Loop. Voting will close today (Wednesday) at 5pm. The results are due to be announced after 6pm.

Aoibheann Diver

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