President: Cormac Kilty on the accommodation crisis, students with learning difficulties and a friendly campus environment

Cormac Kilty is one of the five presidential candidates and is also one of two out of the group who is in their final year of communications.

Kilty said to him the main objective of the Student Union is to represent the student’s and what the student body wants and he feels that he is more than capable of fulfilling that role and that he wants to engage and encourage more students to get involved with college life.

“Well to me, the presidential role is to represent the students itself, to me it’s about doing that and putting most of your time into that…I think it’s especially important for the SU president to represent and engage with the people who are not as involved as they could be.”

He also described how he wants to introduce a competition to be held once every month where students across every faculty can take part in. This is to in still a sense of pride in the students while they also contribute and give back to DCU itself.


“One of the main things that I have in my manifesto is to bring in competitions that are open to every single student, once a month…where the competitions are for the likes of game design, app design all things for the college and that the college can use.”

Kilty described how he wants to be on the ground level amongst the students as much as his work load will allow him so that people can approach him with any topics or issues affecting them. He said, “I’m aware that there is a lot of paper work attached to the role but I really want to be out of the office and around campus and just checking in with students and asking them how they are getting on in general…I mean you don’t want to hire Robocop to be your President.”

He went on to discuss how the accommodation crisis was having a huge impact on students and was becoming an ever increasing problem amongst student who live large distance’s away from college. Kilty said that the current lottery system that selects who will live in any of the housing blocks on DCU campus should be abolished and in its place they should use a first come first serve basis to decide who will live on campus the following year.

“I think we should take away the lottery system for people to get accommodation I don’t think that it’s fair and instead it should be based on a first come first serve basis.”

Speaking about students with learning disabilities, Kilty described how there should be more technology be made available to such students to help with their college work and learning.

“I think technology is the way forward there in that regard, I have a few friends who have learning difficulties and they all have got a laptop or a tablet to help them deal with their disability.”

Kilty went on to describe how he wants to create a friendlier environment within DCU and want’s to help empower student’s so that they feel confident in their own abilities. He said, “I want a friendlier environment on campus…I want to put students up more than anything and I want to just improve their confidence.”

Paul Dwyer

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