Spring into style this Easter
Sarah Murphy takes a look at the latest styles straight from the runways. Read more…
Sarah Murphy takes a look at the latest styles straight from the runways. Read more…
DCU marked the centenary of the 1916 Easter Rising on Proclamation Day, March 15th, by hosting a special flag-raising ceremony. In the week following Seachtain na Gaeilge, the university joined schools and colleges across the Read more…
DCU’s David McCarthy won the University Intervarsity Men’s Cross-Country race in Sligo on Saturday, March 5th as DCU were the overall winners of the competition for the third year in a row. McCarthy won the Read more…
With water charges at the centre of discussions surrounding the formation of a new government, Aoibheann Diver asks if the nation is putting too much of a focus on the issue. Read more…
Almost 1,500 Irish students in third-level education, who receive state-funded grants are now choosing to study abroad rather than in Ireland, the Irish Times reports.
Good things come to those who wait. At least that was the case for DCU ladies Gaelic football manager Stephen Maxwell. After waiting three years to get the call up to manage the college he Read more…
Travelling alone often poses many dangers, especially for women, but Sarah Magliocco explains why the risk will never prevent her satisfying her wanderlust. Read more…
Adam Daly gave himself shingles for Christmas and encourages people to talk about their worries. Read more…
A ‘Women in Leadership’ event in the Old Bar last week encouraged female students to run in the upcoming DCU Student’s Union (SU) election. The student level programme ‘Inform’, ran by Women For Election was Read more…
An internal survey carried out by NUI Galway has shown that a number of female full time and part time employees were subjected to bullying and misogyny in the workplace.
As a “returned-Gaelgeoir”, she has a great interest in Irish, consistently putting great emphasis on the language within her work. Her PhD included the development of the Irish Dependency Treebank and the first statistical parser for Irish text. Read more…
Áine monk explores the beauty of Barcelona. Read more…
Le cúpla seachtain anuas foilsíodh an chéad sceideal don Phicnic Leictreach agus fógraíodh go raibh na ticéid go léir díolta don fhéile samhraidh bhliantúil. Má bhí an t-ádh ort ticéad a fháil, is dócha go Read more…
The Helix has increased booking fees across the board to ensure the future sustainability of the venue, according to General Manager Michael Brady.
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TCD Students Against Fees held a meeting on Tuesday to decide on their structure and the action they should take.
Free education is a viable option at third level, according to the Union of Students in Ireland.
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The new sabbaticals for USI 2016/2017 have been announced. Read more…
A gambling addiction awareness campaign was the most emotive topic on the agenda at the Union of Students’ Ireland (USI) National Congress this morning. Delegates took to the podium in a string of emotionally-charged pleas to Read more…
Our Editors, Catherine Devine and Katie O’Neill are at the USI Congress in Clare, reporting back on the events of the week. Read more…
Tá paisean dochreidte ag baint leis an Ghaeilge agus meon tacúil ag beagnach gach duine a labhraíonn í. Read more…
With UCD students voting against rejoining the Union of Students in Ireland, Aisling McCabe explains that while there are many advantages to membership, the national body is far from perfect. Read more…
Many European countries are allowing refugee child brides to be re-united with their older husbands when they reach our shores, but this is a violation of the most basic rights of children. Catherine Devine discusses the epidemic that is child marriages. Read more…
UCD students have voted against re-joining the Union of Students in Ireland (USI), three years after they left the national student body. A referendum which took place last week, showed 26 per cent of students Read more…
During the General Election it was common for politicians to think that Millennials weren’t engaged. How can we be compared to the spirit and intention of student activists of the 1960s?
DCU’s Class Rep Council have elected the first Irish Officer to the Students’ Union Executive. Caoimhe Ní Cathail ran unopposed for the position at Council on Tuesday March 8th. She also answered questions from the Read more…